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Comments on news and blogs

2018: Inaugural Issue

Comment on: Latest Research on Best Cooking Oils

November 22, 2018


This is a comment on the article: Latest Research on Best Cooking Oils

The "failure" of coconut oil when comparing antioxidants is a red herring because it's a moot point. Antioxidants serve to protect oxidation of oils, which are attacked at the allylic or bis-allylic hydrogens (those next to double bonds, or between two double bonds). Coconut oil typically has less than 8% monounsaturated bonds and less than 1% polyunsaturated bonds, leaving little access for peroxidation.

A deep frying study of Coconut oil to measure compositional changes indicates very little change in the overall oil structure, indicating that the polar compounds formed by coconut oil are not of the same nature as polar compounds formed by the breakdown of unsaturated fats.


Srivastava, Y., & Semwal, A. D. (2013). A study on monitoring of frying performance and oxidative stability of virgin coconut oil (VCO) during continuous/prolonged deep fat frying process using chemical and FTIR spectroscopy. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(2), 984–991.