Making Knowledge Public 2020-03-19T18:59:27-07:00 Juan Pablo Alperin Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Making Knowledge Public (MKP) aims to bridge the gap in access to knowledge between academia and the general public. We encourage emerging researchers (students!) to not underestimate the public value of their work. We believe that, in today’s climate, it is more important than ever for young and emerging scholars to engage with the public sphere in more purposeful ways. </span></p> Climate Change & Disease 2020-03-17T11:24:24-07:00 Juliana Manzo <p>The following infographic was created in an effort to aid in the understanding of climate change and its effect on diseases. The infographic takes from Arturo Casadevall's journal "Climate Change Brings the Specter of New Infectious Diseases" where he brings to light the ways in which our society may potentially be facing future epidemics due to climate change. The purpose of the infographic is to simplify the rather scientific article created by Casadevall and is meant to be understood at the most basic level making it an easy read for people of all scientific backgrounds and ages.</p> <p>Read <a href="">the research here</a>. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2020-03-17T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Juliana Manzo Digital Graveyard: The Dead is Taking Over Facebook Infographic 2020-03-17T11:53:45-07:00 Kelly Wong <p>An infographic depicting the the Facebook debacle of when the total amount of deceased users outnumber those of the living, as well as brief information of statistics on Facebook user flow, and a suggested time frame to the propsed question following the research journal.</p> 2020-03-17T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Kelly Wong Race and Survey Participation 2020-03-17T13:17:51-07:00 Sun Woo Baik <p>An infographic showing the differences in likelihood of survey consent/participation between four racial/ethnic groups in the US.</p> 2020-03-17T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Sun Woo Baik Women in the Water 2020-03-17T14:25:26-07:00 Noelle Jones <p class="p1">The goal for this presentation of information was to highlight the continued disparity of gender expectations through the lens of a niche subculture community. As the surf community is one that I frequently interact with, I wanted to dig into the issue of patronization of non-male surfers and sum up the issues that arise across multiple accounts from individuals who deal with existing outside the dominant masculine narrative of this sport.</p> <p class="p1">The target audience was primarily those involved in these sports, with a secondary intention being those who maybe don’t have a true sense of what goes on within these athletic subcultures. Knowing that micro-agressions and problematic behaviour span a myriad of playing fields is valuable info for everyone to be aware of.</p> 2020-03-17T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Noelle Jones Is There an Actual Value in Social Media Branded Content? 2020-03-17T14:38:20-07:00 Celine Barton <p><span id="cell-388-contents" class="gridCellContainer"><span class="label">The infographic is suitable for a marketing team who are perhaps at the beginning stages of their start-up company and are looking to understand the benefits of branded content.&nbsp;</span></span></p> <p>Based on a study by Chen <a href="">Lou and Shupei Yuan (2019)</a>.</p> 2020-03-17T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Celine Barton Sans to my serif 2020-03-17T14:50:46-07:00 Veronica Aarstad <p>Have you ever asked yourself what's in a font? And what impact could a font have on the perception of your brand or campaign?&nbsp;If you're like me, you haven't spent much time thinking about how you or others perceive fonts and typefaces or typography in general. Here's a quick look at how people perceive fonts and why it's important for political leaders to choose the right one for their campaign materials.</p> 2020-03-17T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Veronica Aarstad The Five Ways to Mess Up School Reforms 2020-03-17T15:03:44-07:00 Theo Odufuwa <p>With this infogrpahic dig deep into the reasons school reform as failed continuously in the United States. The infographic cites Joseph Murphy’s article: The Five Essential Reasons for the Failure of School Reforms as the structure for my opinion and messaging. This infographic intends to target Highschool and University students with the main goal of imparting knowledge about school reform. It is important that students are involved in discussions around education reform. Without their involvement and participation there will be likely little to no advancement in reform policies. Thus, it is imperative that students have a basic understanding of this issue. This is precisely the goal of the infographic to use student language to communicate an issue affecting their lives.</p> 2020-03-17T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Theo Odufuwa The Media Coverage of Health Issues 2020-03-17T15:12:05-07:00 Hannah Olivia van der Eerden <p>While creating my infographic, I wanted to ensure that the content was clear, concise and had a clean layout. In order to do so I really had to use discernment on what would be appropriate and beneficial to include within the infographic because there was limited space and the article was quite long. I decided to break the article down into its most basic and core components and only incorporate those as a sort of guideline to follow while creating the graphic. I decided that it was less important to go into the nitty-gritty details of the avian influenza and the interviewing process and moreso focus upon the major issue that was being discussed within the article, which was the way media often fails on accurately reporting public health issues. Once laying out and presenting the major issue within the infographic I used the rest of my space to explain ways in which this issue could be improved upon as discussed by the article. I designed this infographic in a way that could be understandable to pretty much everyone. I did not use any jargon or go in-depth about scientific findings because I percieved the core of the argument to be around the issue of media coverage of public health issues. Looking at the avian influenza specifically within the article&nbsp; was moreso a way to structure and focus the research methodology, so because of spatial constraints I made the decision to omit the specific findings of the avian influenza.&nbsp;</p> 2020-03-17T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Hannah Olivia van der Eerden Factors in the Development of Food Allergies 2020-03-18T12:14:43-07:00 Nicole Kirsh <p>Shroba, J., Rath, N., &amp; Barnes, C. (2019). Possible Role of Environmental Factors in the Development of Food Allergies.&nbsp;<em>Clinical Reviews in Allergy &amp; Immunology,</em>&nbsp;<em>57</em>(3), 303-311.</p> 2020-03-18T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Nicole Kirsh Purpose of Zebra-like strips 2020-03-18T12:30:29-07:00 Jun Kei Lie <p><span id="cell-397-contents" class="gridCellContainer"><span class="label before_actions">The purpose of this infographic is to inform cattle owners and agricultural enthusiasts of this perhaps lesser-known technique that could potentially save them millions of dollars. It is designed to be placed in agricultural conventions and livestock conferences.</span></span></p> 2020-03-18T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Jun Kei Lie Anxiety: on the road to an effective cure 2020-03-18T13:57:24-07:00 Fatima Imran <p>The goal for the infographic was primarily to introduce the concept of Emotional Regulation Therapy as an alternative cure for those suffering from anxiety. It meant to inform all those who viewed it that there are options outside of cognitive behavioural therapy ( one of the most popular therapies for anxiety). </p> <p>Infographic to accompany the findings from "<a href="">A Randomized Controlled Trial of Emotion Regulation Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder with and without Co-Occurring Depression</a>"</p> 2020-03-18T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Fatima Imran Are serial perpetrators actually psychopathic? 2020-03-18T16:11:54-07:00 Susie Kim <p>Are all serial murderers psychopathic? Many studies conducted on this topic shows that psychopathy is very much relevant especially in criminals, but how do criminals interpret themselves in the context of mental status? This infographic was meant for audiences who have interest for criminals who desire a simple outline of study results.</p> 2020-03-18T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Susie Kim A Role for Dogs in Advancing Cancer Immunity Research: Infographic 2020-03-19T18:26:56-07:00 yzobel biron <p>The goal of this infographic is to educate 12th grade science students about the role of dogs in advancing immunotherapy research. This brochure style infographic is designed to be easily read from top to bottom with colour coordination for each type of cell and the results. It is based on the article "<a href="">A Role for Dogs in Advancing Cancer Immunity Research</a>" by Steven Dow.</p> 2020-03-19T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 yzobel biron Facts vs Myths 2020-03-19T18:59:27-07:00 Emily Wu <p>Popular culture has given little recognition of the skills associated with playing the drums. This infographic deconstructs the myths behind drummers and the intricacy of motor movements.&nbsp;</p> 2020-03-19T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Emily Wu